December 2022

A very happy December to you!

Having fought the daycare flu on and off for the last three weeks, along with other minor mishaps of body and mind, I have found myself utterly unmotivated and uninspired. While sitting and opening myself to guidance and inspiration for my month's mantra I have encountered a whole lot of silence. At first, it has seemed like what I mentioned, a lack of inspiration or even gumption; but I am allowing myself to take this as an opportunity to be quiet, listen and be slow.

Often this busy season demands so much from us mentally, physically, materially, financially, energetically, and so on. So if you too are feeling pooped, I invite you to join me with the mantra of silence and slowing down. Take the rest you can when you can. Spend time with the people, books, and activities that fill you up. You don’t have to be everything for everyone. Peace within your being will emanate peace to all who surround you.

Much love,
