October 2022

October is here loud and clear, with brisk days and cold nights! Personally I love nesteling in and layering up, I just need to make sure I stick to routines I have built instead of sneaking away for the nap I so desire on these gray days!

As we really start to settle into our new season I find myself in this constant state of reminder, repeating to myself “keep practicing, keep practicing, even when you fall off or down, get back up and keep practicing what serves your body, thoughts and soul.” And so this has indeed developed into my monthly mantra. Practice.

The last few months have been all about really checking in with myself, aligning with my values and creating rituals to support these truths. I find that it can be easy to be all gungho when starting something new, often the issue is sticking with it and carrying through!

To me, practice is what we devote our time and attention to repeatedly, creating imprints or samskaras in our minds and lives. This can have both positive and negative effects. For example, the consistent practice of asana can build strength and understanding of my physical body and my mental relationship to it during physical challenges. On the other hand, the time I spend scrolling social media has created a habit that I return to over and over again creating a practice of looking outside of the self for stimulation that never actually satisfies!

My mantra this month is to continue practicing the supportive, healthy rituals and routines I have created for myself that align with my values and highest truth while becoming aware of what practices I have taken on over the years and work to begin releasing my attachments to them. I encourage you to do the same. What are you devoting your time and attention to? Is it serving you? Your values? Your Truth? What changes can we make to release old practices and habits?

Practice makes Practice as Tobie always says!
Much love!❤️


These thought are inspired strongly by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 1.12.