September 2023

Having the school year begin always brings about an energy of business and planning. Having been away for the last month myself, I find my mind trying to kick into overdrive with all the things to do to prepare for the upcoming fall season. However, I keep reminding myself that there are still two weeks left of summer, with the Fall Equinox being September 23rd this year. With that reminder I am taking on the mantra of “don’t over schedule, don't overdo”.I am working to do this not only in my day-to-day, month-to-month planning but also in my mind and with my thoughts as well. I am doing my best to enjoy these last few weeks of the warm/hot weather and get outside to walk, play, and do less. The mind loves to jump ahead to what is next, and what's to come, and while I am indeed doing what is needed to schedule life responsibly, I am also being very cautious to not overdo it. I have Tobie’s voice in my head while in a twisted lunge saying ‘don’t overdo’ and that's what I try to keep pulling back into my mind when overwhelming ideas or thoughts start to sprout up. Everything unfolds as it needs to. Talk each step, each day as it comes. Don’t overdo it. Wishing you a wonderful last few weeks of summer and a Happy Fall Equinox as well!

