September 2024

Watch Margot’s Mantra Here

Raise your hand if you are going through something….

Yep, that's what I thought…

Everyone is undergoing some kind of process. The process of grief, the process of healing, the process of change. In fact, I've found that life is just a series of experiences and processes, each one leading us to the next. Sometimes the process is smooth and helpful and sometimes the process is rough as hell, but no matter what we are all going through one or many processes helping us to learn and come more fully into the self.

I am discovering that I am moving through many processes myself. The process of healing from birth. The process of building a new relationship with my body in its current form and age. And the process of deprogramming a lifetime of self image issues around how my body “should be” as a woman in this culture. Ya, good times, good times. I also find I am still going through the process of being a small business owner post covid and keeping the ship afloat.

I was talking with BR’s beloved Kristin last week and she said “we just have to be patient in the process”. This struck such a chord with me as I have just been trudging along through all of these different experiences feeling like I just want to get through all this already!

I think we all have these feelings at times. Truth is we are all going through something, maybe even multiple things and our culture tells us to move through them faster, get past the hang ups, get over the grief/issues. But the actuality of it is this: you can’t rush your healing, you can’t make changes without contemplation, you can not force the process.

So I have taken this on as my mantra this month. Patience in the process.

This month I am working on being really clear on my intentions. Intentions for body, life, career, time, and then starting the process of transforming my relationship with all of them and giving myself grace and patience through it all.

Whatever you are going through I invite you to pause, honor the process and be patient. All transformation comes with intention and persistence. It can not be rushed, and whether we like it or not we all need a bit more time to move through these processes of life.

Margot Broom