August 2024
This morning, I was sitting with a woman I have mad respect for talking about life, children and the undeniable chaos of being human. She used a term I haven't heard before. She said when times get crazy she and her daughter have a motto of saying “we just need to find comfort in the chaos”.
This really got me thinking. So often in life we are trying to keep everything tidy, planned, controlled and when things do not fall into these categories we either judge ourselves or feel incapable of keeping up with all that is unfolding around us.
The fact of the matter is that, inevitably, life is chaotic. Things break, unexpected challenges come up, work is wack, landlords are jerks, kids have weeks off from school, the dog pukes on the rug while the baby is screaming and the toddler dumps a box of cereal on the floor… Shit happens that we truly have no control over.
I find if I am attaching too tightly to a certain way things “should be” then the chaos gets the better of me, anxiety kicks in and I lose my ability to be in the moment.
I find myself in a season of undeniable chaos. So many areas of uncertainty. So many wonderfully and brutal realities, spitting up all over me and I truly have no other choice than to get comfortable in it. And when I allow myself to trust instead of resist I know the clear path will illuminate.
So that is my mantra this month, getting comfortable in the chaos. When it all gets overwhelming allowing myself to pauseand say “Woman, you’re in it. Get comfortable”. Giving space to realize that this truly is a season of life and that the chaos just comes with it. I am working to do my best to find comfort in the fact that so much is out of my control and trusting in the unfolding of life is all I can do. The more I resist and try to control the more I will miss out on the beauty that can unfold in the messiness of life.
Snuggle in with me, get comfy and enjoy the chaos.