December '25
It’s easy to get overwhelmed this time of year. There are so many things to do, places to be, obligations to uphold, gifts to buy, not to mention the plethora of emotions surrounding the season, whether they are your own or others. It can all feel overwhelming and hard to navigate at times.
I have been finding myself getting swept up in it all, recognizing the inevitable exhaustion that comes from trying to keep it all together for myself and everyone in my own little sphere.
This week, as I was relentlessly trying to calm my fussy babe, I was in this place, feeling it all, and watching the overwhelm creeping back in again when all of a sudden, clear as the last smooth whips of fall air, it came to me…
This is just a moment.
As soon as the thought entered my mind a lightness came over me. It was as if I was able to take a step back from all the goings on and see a larger picture… This is just a moment in time. One of many moments that make up the simple complexity of my experience of being. It will pass, just as they all have. So how do I want to, not only remember this moment, but how do I want to feel in it right now?
I am finding more and more that it takes a willingness to let go of expectations, judgments and pressures of how things need to be a certain way.. We all put far too much on ourselves and in the end we end up stripping away the awareness of what actually is, what we are actually doing all of the work for, connection, presence and awareness itself.
Whether it is something uncomfortable and challenging or something beautiful and joyfully, it really is just a moment, it will pass just as quickly as it arrived and we have a choice to let it overtake and overwhelm us or to give ourselves grace, look for meaning, and lean into what will inevitably unfold with or without or dramas attached.
Someday we will look back and say ‘welp, that was a moment’. How do you want to see yourself from that time? Worried and stressed? Or moving through this life that has been unfolding for you with grace, acceptance and and hopefully a bit of humor of how ridiculous it all really can be?!
So this season I am working on catching myself in the moment, seeing it for what it is and reminding myself that it is just that, a moment.
Just a little offering for you to contemplate. Join me in the moment
Peace, Margot
Watch Margot’s Mantra here