November '24
This month's mantra has been particularly hard to get out due to the massive mental/emotional hangover from the election.
Waking up the morning after, with dis-ease and dread flooding my body and mind I found the first three yoga sutras coming to my mind over and over again
Now is the time for the practice of yoga.
Where yoga is the easing of the fluctuations of the mind.
When the yoga happens, there is a standing apart from all that is perceived and the practitioner comes into their own true nature ~Patanjali yoga sutra 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Over the couple of weeks as my mind has started down one of a million rabbit holes I have been pausing. Taking a deep breath and repeating these first three sutras.
To me, the sutras translate as such.
In every moment we have the choice to observe the thoughts of the mind. In every moment we have the ability to observe the thought as being a valid or invalid thought. Valid thoughts being ones that bring us closer to our peace, our strength, our true foundation. The invalid thoughts being ones that take us into what my teacher called “the sea of mental garbage”, or thoughts taking us away from that which brings us peace, assurance, gratitude and love.
This is not to say that there isn't a lot of garbage floating around out there, however in these sensitive times, it is imperative for us to be clear on what we are allowing into our hearts, minds and bodies.
The yoga asks us to be aware and to practice discerning the thoughts, easing the fluctuations. And when the yoga happens, when the easing of the thoughts occurs, there is a standing apart from all that is perceived, all that is projected at us, all the noise, and we can stand into our own truth, our own foundations, our own values. This practice takes a lot of work. It can be really difficult when it feels like the foundations we have know to be true feel like they are crumbling beneath us. However the yoga is asking for us to double down on the foundations that exist within the self, not outside of the self. To understand that to create peace and assurance, we have to live it, to share it, to practice it within ourselves and with others.
So now, maybe more than ever, I am practicing yoga. Choosing to observe the constant fluctuations of the mind and to breathe through them. I am choosing what I give my attention to. I am choosing to be super clear with what my values are and practicing them in all the small and gross ways I can to remind myself I have choice.
I am choosing love. Choosing to lead by example so my children know values that are rooted in compassion, self awareness and honesty. So they too can have choice to choose love, honesty and connection.
I am choosing to practice so I know I always have the choice to practice peace in my actions, words and heart. To live in my values and not give in to fear, hate and separation.
This is the practice of yoga. Now. Always now. In each moment.
So now, dear ones, is the time for the practice of yoga. I hope you will join me.