January 2024

For some of us the New Year brings about the energy of planning and goal setting, and for others the New Year can bring about the exhaustion of the holidays and even some shame that we don’t quite have the energy for the “New Year, new me” mentality.  I just want to chime in and say that both can exist and be true and that is totally ok! Personally, I fall into the latter group this year: still recovering from a terrible three-week crazy cold/virus, having just gotten conjunctivitis from my lovely toddler and, oh yay, dealing with the joys of being 15 weeks pregnant :0)So I am beginning this year with a mantra of Patience and Perspective.

Patience. Sometimes it takes longer to heal. Sometimes it takes longer to deal with grief. Sometimes it takes longer to unfold into the being you are becoming. And you know what? Winter is the ultimate season of patience. I know we can get all caught up in the excitement of the new year, as I have so many times, but let's remember this is truly the season for dormancy, for necessary rest, for replenishment and reflection. So if your body and mind feel a bit heavy and tired it may be Mama nature trying to remind you that this is not necessarily your season to get it all done and make all the changes. This is the season to quiet, heal and allow for the ideas and inspiration to begin to form the initial seedlings to be planted in the Spring.

Perspective. When we truly create patience, perspective will appear. Perspective that rest does not make us lazy, it gives us the renewed strength we need for what is forming. In our culture we are always pushed to do more, achieve, accomplish. However we are not told at what cost, and the importance of actually using nature and the season to help us understand when to rest. I get this, being sick sucks. Not being able to work or play is terrible. I have been feeling this so hard the last few months but I keep checking on myself and putting it into perspective. I have to rest to get better, I have to move slower right now, become a little softer and heavier even if it feels hard because I am creating a new life for myself and another. And, whether or not you are growing a tiny human, you too are, at all times, creating and growing new life in the forms of ideas, care for loved ones, how you support your passions and the world. So please keep that in perspective and give yourself the patience you deserve as you move through this season. I look forward to being back in community with you all as we patiently move through this season of wintering together.  Sending so much love to you,

