Yogic Mythology is a playground of stories and fables that are meant to inspire the practitioner to deepen in awareness. We will hear the stories of key asanas as we practice them to embody creativity and deep respect for the lineage of yoga.
About the Teacher
Khushi is a world traveler and mother of one, and spends her time between the Indian Himalayas and the US. She has been teaching yoga & meditation for over 20 years, conducts teachers’ trainings and has a Master’s in Clinical Social Work and a Master’s in Public Health, which she combines with her training as a yoga and meditation teacher to serve those in need all across the world.
Khushi serves as a guide through her mindful tourism company Simply Himalaya, taking people on deep immersions into the Himalayas, Guatemala, Europe and other places of strong energy to practice, serve the community and transform. For the last 11 years she has been a part of a mindful community and primary school in the Himalayas. Khushi received her training from the Himalayan Institute under the tutelage of Tantric teacher Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and is an Ayurvedic Specialist and Yoga Therapist. She has also completed advanced Vinyasa Krama teachers training with Srivatsa Ramaswami, a longtime student of Sri Krishnamacharya.
Khushi’s teaching style is rooted in the classical texts, hatha yoga, tantra & ayurveda. Her background in Vipassana meditation makes her a unique teacher, combining both the teachings of the Buddha and those of Patanjali. Her strong personal practice has awakened her intuitive guidance in working one on one (Yoga Chikitsa) with clients all across the world, and many people come to her in times of crisis to heal and to evolve.
“When I teach, I feel the wisdom moving through me in an intuitive way, and I can truly say that it is not me that is teaching, but the lineage of the yogis themselves. I feel blessed that nature has gifted me with the ability to share wisdom.”
Regular: $85
Early Bird (by 2/9): $65